Having identified a growing need for animal feed, particularly for fish, pigs and poultry, as well as a lack of fry rearing in the area, the AALI Youth Brigade has this year relaunched the production of feed for these animals, as well as the hatchery for fry production. This market is aimed at fishermen and fish breeders in floating cages on Lake Kivu, as well as young entrepreneurs, 80% of whom import almost all of their raw materials from neighboring countries.
These activity was initiated two years ago by the Young Agripreneurs of the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA). In view of this opportunity and the expertise available in AALI’s new fisheries & animal production unit, the Youth Brigade believes it would be useful to meet these needs by producing at least 320,000 fry, as well as 310 tonnes of feed for fish, pigs and poultry. Per year, these activities will generate employment for at least 50 young people in the city of Bukavu.

Since relaunching activities in the facility, it has been a point of call for agribusiness enthusiasts in Bukavu town and all around the South Kivu province. These include Jean Bosco RUTEYE, Provincial Minister of South Kivu, who visited AALI and IITA facilities from June 06 to 07 and June 15, 2023, to find out about the progress made in implementing the Agenda de Transformation Agricole de la République Démocratique du Congo (ATA RDC), a Congolese government program initiated by President Felix Antoine Tshisekedi. During this visit, the Minister said “Personally, I’m very happy, because the young people are learning to farm and are getting a taste for agriculture. Involving them enables them to generate income and create jobs. In the years to come, agriculture will be a major engine of development for the DRC in general, and South Kivu in particular, and everyone will have enough to eat.”
During another event, the Administrator of Walungu Territory, Mr. Vincent CIREGA, also praised the achievements of the Youth Brigade: “What the Youth Brigade is doing meets the main needs of the Walungu population. This project, which will continue to provide employment for young people, will contribute to reducing insecurity in our territory”.

Since its launch in October 2022, this component of the Agricultural Youth Brigade has achieved the following: A rabbit breeding program, with an average of 64 head; A 20-head pigsty; 4 students agricultural clubs in two schools; 12 fish farms with 3,000 fry; Training of 90 farmers from local associations in new breeding technologies; Development of 2 business plans for the creation of fish farms; Farming of 61 ha of cassava fields, 6 ha of maize, 1 ha of rice and 2 ha of beans for seed multiplication; and a pilot center for the promotion of small-scale mechanization, with 14 agricultural machines.